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Getting a locksmith apprenticeship in NYC isn’t a requirement for becoming a locksmith in NYC, but it is a good way to get your foot in the door, and learn the trade. The requirements for the locksmith apprentice license are not nearly as restrictive as the locksmith license, but they do require some forethought. The benefits, though, are that they make the task of learning the trade of locksmithing so much easier, because of the hands on experience. Depending on the locksmith, though, you may need to pickup your own locksmith kit, but I’m sure most will loan you tools during your time with them.

1. Find a Locksmith

One of the major requirements to getting a locksmith apprenticeship in NYC is that you are employed by a locksmith licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs. Your employer should be filed on your Basic Individual License Application form.

This step is as easy as any other job search. Make contact with locksmiths in your local area, let them know you are interested in apprenticing under them, and see what they say.

Once you find your locksmith, you should move onto the next step.

2. Come up with a locksmith certification plan

Locksmith apprentices in New York City are limited to 36 months. After that you have to get a locksmith license. For that reason, it is a good idea to look over the locksmith requirements for New York, and design a plan with your locksmith.

Do this before officially being hired. Why? Because the clock starts running on your date of hire. Design your plan, and then officially start. This way, you have the full 36 months to train.

3. Network

Find a locksmith to apprentice under who has multiple licensed locksmiths in their shop. Why? The New York locksmith license requirements includes the option to get two certificates recommending you. These certificates need to come from who? That’s right. Licensed locksmiths. It is not only easier to get these from people you work with, but smarter, because if the licensing board decides to question them, they will be able to speak to your abilities and intent easier than a stranger.

The other reason why you should network, though, is to grow your potential business. Getting a locksmith apprenticeship in NYC is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond that you will become a locksmith. If you ever plan on going out on your own, you will need to network.

Bonus: Our Getting a Locksmith Apprenticeship in NYC Packet

Now that you know what you need to do to become a locksmith apprentice in NYC, we’ve compiled this packet to make your life easier. It includes every form you need to fill out to submit for your license.

  • Basic Individual License Application
  • Photo Identification of License Applicant
  • Child Support Certification Form
  • Granting Authority to Act Affirmation
  • Current color passport-size photograph of License Applicant

Because of the number of forms required, we’ve combined them into this convenient packet that you can print off and bring with you to the DCA Licensing Center located at 42 Broadway in Manhattan between 9am and 5pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays between 8:30am and 5pm.


You will pay two main fees while applying for your locksmith apprentice license. The fingerprinting processing fee of $75 should be paid by check or money order payable to the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. Visit the DCA Licensing Center to have your fingers printed.

Exceptions to the fingerprinting requirement: Anyone who currently holds, or has held within the last three years, a DCA license that required fingerprinting. Any person fingerprinted at the DCA Licensing Center within the last three years does not need to be fingerprinted.

The locksmith apprentice license fee can be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card), money order, or check. As above, checks and money orders should be payable to NYC Department of Consumer Affairs.

Locksmith apprentice licenses are good for 2 years, and expire on May 31st on Odd years. Odd years being any year that ends in an odd digit (2013, 2015, 2017, etc).

The license fee varies based on when you apply. These fees will vary between $5 (from December 1st in an year to May 31 in an odd year) to $20 (From June 1 in an Odd year to November 30 in an odd year).

Note: You are also able to pay $25 during the $5 timeframe which will cover both the license application as well as the renewal.

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