Articles posted by Travis

Locksport: Good for Locksmiths, and the Industry

Locksport is the name given to a sub-culture of lockpicking enthusiasts that pick locks for, well, sport. Locksport. Now that we have that out of the way, let's dive in to the deeper bits. Locksmiths have not traditionally been happy with the locksport community, for any number of reasons. ...

Protecting Yourself with Video Evidence

In this modern world, it isn't unfair to say that anybody who may find themselves alone with a random caller could protect themselves with video evidence. Not only can it deter people from attempting to physically assault you, but it can protect you from false allegations on any number ...

How to get a Locksmith License in New York

So, you want to know how to get a locksmith license in New York? Then let's get to it. First, it's important that you brush up on the locksmithing laws for New York. And because I know you're here because lockpicks are "cool" and "fun" and "definitely not something ...

3 Effective Ways to Get Your First Locksmith Customer

Now that you've got everything all set, it's time to go out there and get your first locksmith customer. You can do this a number of ways, from putting out ads, to sitting on the sidewalk and using a taser to keep people from walking passed your shop. Though, ...

Incorporating your Locksmithing Business

We have a clear understanding now of your state's requirements for becoming a locksmith. We know who your target market is. We have picked up our locksmithing kit, as well as our insurance. We must be ready to go out there and get our first customers now, right? Wrong. We ...

Locksmith General Liability Insurance

Don't go into locksmithing business without general liability insurance. Let me say that again for the folks in the back: Do not go into locksmithing business without general liability insurance! There. Now you know, so this post is over, right? Oh, I guess we should probably go over what exactly ...

Getting Proof of Identity, and what to do if you can’t

Proof of identity is what separates a locksmith from someone assisting in breaking and entering. Some states, like California, require that locksmiths verify the identity of their clients before doing work, getting them to sign a work order form, and then keeping those work order forms for 2 years. ...

Locksmith Marketing: Determining Your Market

Marketing for a locksmith is similar to any other type of marketing, and something that you will need to get comfortable with before you start diving into the rest of the business. You need to go into the business of locksmithing understanding that you are no longer just the ...

Building Out Your Locksmith Kit

You can't do anything without tools. That's where your locksmith kit comes in handy. No matter what you choose for your niche, you are going to need to pick up the necessary tools. Each tool in a locksmith's toolkit is there to perform a specific task. Below, I've detailed ...

Are Lockpicks Illegal In California?

Are Lockpicks Illegal in California? To answer the question specifically, we need to start by looking at California Penal Code 466. Without boring you to death with the actual text, essentially what it tells us is that if you have anything in your possession with intent to use it ...